
Recently I learned a new phrase, "Cuddle Puddle." I learned it after discovering three new kittens near the office. It was early, and I saw a movement in the grass.... then a little kitten head popped up above the grass and practically waved a paw at me.  The meow clinched it. It sounded beseeching to me. I was sure it said, "We don't know what to do! Someone just dumped us! This is so confusing!"

There were three of them. When I went to scoop them up, they were easy to catch. These kittens were still trying to figure out why they were sitting out in the hot sun with no food or water around. I feel so much gratitude that when I saw them, I knew that there was someone to help take care of them... Ozark Regional Cats, a local nonprofit started by staff members at FundRaiser Software to address the issue of feral cats in downtown. Soon these three little ones (bellies now full) were "cuddle puddled" in my lap. What could have been a quiet and unpublished tragedy for three small kittens was now inexorably heading  towards a happy ending.  

As I write this, I know that many of our FundRaiser customers are filling in similar gaps in your communities. If you didn't do this work, who would? Possibly no one. The fact is that nonprofits -- the 'third sector'-- often address needs that can only be done with the support of donations. As we know at FundRaiser, they are often run by kindhearted people who see the need and step up to fill it, knowing that they are taking on situations that may not have simple answers. 

It's a privilege to serve people like our customers... and one thing that we want to do is make sure that the answers to  your technical questions are as simple and easy to get as possible. We want to be part of the solution and that's what makes our day a pleasure. 

If you have questions about your FundRaiser Software, please don't hesitate to contact us. FundRaiser's job is to make your donor management as smooth as possible. If that's not what you feel is happening, we can help. 

To contact Technical Support call 1-800-543-4131 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.