My morning cup of tea on the back deck was especially nice today. A cool breeze swirled though the leaves of the trees and brought the first spicy hint of autumn to my nose. Grass, newly green from recent rains, has quickly pushed dangling seed heads toward the sky.  Crickets piped their sad tunes from the hedge. Even the placid doves seem livelier with the advent of cooler weather.

While I sat, a steaming cup of mint tea cradled in my hands, I watched a small grey rabbit dine on a patch of clover left uncut by the corner of the house. His ears flicked back and forth and his bright black eyes scanned his surroundings as he daintily pulled velvet green leaves from their stems. One can hardly blame him; a rabbit, being the natural prey of pretty much anything with pointed teeth, must always be ready to run.  The slightest hint of trouble will send him bounding away.

Donors can be very much like rabbits when it comes to their information with nearly as many “virtual predators” as a rabbit has physical ones.

As a responsible non-profit, it is your obligation to keep the information they have entrusted to you safe and private, and your donor management software should play a key role in this process. FundRaiser can help accomplish this vital task. The User function will allow you to create multiple users with custom access to the database. It is possible to restrict access to specific information or entire tabs.  Settings are available that determine whether users can see, edit, or delete information, keeping your data safe for both your organization and your donor. FundRaiser Professional even has a feature called Secure Spares, which allows you to create Spare Fields and completely restrict access to them in the User Settings. Take some time to learn about these features and explore the User Settings in FundRaiser Select and Professional (Options>User List, Security).

If you have questions or would like help with User setup, please feel free to contact us at 800-543-4131