Many non-profits began their data management using spreadsheets.  Yours may still use them, but there are many reasons to move away from them and into donor management software, as you may be aware.  If you're having trouble convincing others of this, you may want to use one or the other of these linked articles as good examples.

Why NOT convert?

One of the big stumbling blocks to converting to a better system seems to be the old argument of "we would have to re-enter all that information, and no one has time to do that!".  Well, in FundRaiser there is a file menu option that allows you to import from other file formats.  Here are some quick tips and tricks on how to do that efficiently and successfully:

Setting up your spreadsheet for optimal import

1.  Name spreadsheet columns.  Your spreadsheet is comprised of columns of information, and those columns should each have a name, used at the top of the column, called a "column header".  They need to be simple alpha-numberic labels, without punctuation or special characters, that give you an idea of what type of data is in the column.

2. Separate information if needed.  For example, a column labeled "interests" might, for a single name record, have "Hiking, Skiing, Boating" as an entry in a single column.  If, instead, there were three columns, with one interest per column, it would be easier to import.  An alternative to changing the spreadsheet, which might be time-consuming, would be to create a spare field in FundRaiser (called, say, "interests") and import the contents of the column into it.  Later you will be able to group records based on any single interest and mass-assign category codes accordingly.

3.  Solve donation import issues.  One of the main reasons to bring in all that information is to bring in gifts.  Here you may run into a bit of a problem, depending on how those gifts have been stored in your spreadsheet.  One way is to have each gift on a separate row, along with name, address and phone numbers, for identification.  Another is to have a total "all time" giving amount, if you're not concerned with individual gift amounts and dates.  If you have multiple rows for multiple gifts, then be aware that 


to the database.  This means that FundRaiser will be creating a separate name record for each gift, which can then be merged with other records of the same name, either manually using the Merge icon in the toolbar, or through the Duplicate Checking Routine found in the Utilities menu.  Of course, if you are importing multiple spreadsheets, there's always a chance a name could be on more than one of those lists, also requiring merging of records.  The same solutions apply no matter the reason for the duplications.  

The way to quick and easy data transfer

These steps may take a bit of preparation, but they will help you get the data transferred as quickly and easily as possible.  In the end, you'll be able to bring most, if not all, your information from the old spreadsheets to FundRaiser, with as little stress as possible.  As always, if you need help with this or other aspects of the program, check the Customer Portal on our website, as well as the FundRaiser FAQs, or contact us for further help.