Okay, so it’s 2011 and I’ve been working with PC’s for nearly 30 years, yet I’ve never before “blogged”. In preparation for launching a Tech/Training Blog for FundRaiser Software, I’ve searched for definitions and examples of blogs, and have discovered that there is no single approach to blogging, nor is there a real standard against which to judge a blog’s merit. Bear with me, please, as this blog develops, and feel free to email me with your suggestions for topics of interest. You can reach me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For those who put any stock into astrology, I’m a Gemini. And not just a Gemini, but a Gemini with Gemini rising. That, typically, means variety (or, as some might argue, an inability to stick with any one thing for any length of time). Unlike my closest childhood friend, Dave, who worked for the same company for 40 years, I’ve held a multitude of jobs, from a childhood paper route (remember those?), insurance sales route, gas station manager, bank trust assistant, truck driver (local and over-the-road), offshore rigger, draftsman, call center tech support (AOL), just to name a few. I’ve also obtained education in some rather disparate areas, having been a sonar technician (electronics) in the Navy, becoming a certified motorcycle mechanic during a work sabbatical, training for (and passing) my Arizona real estate license, and becoming not only A+ certified but also a Microsoft Certified Professional. The founder of FundRaiser Software, Gene Weinbeck, was my computer mentor in the mid-80's, my employer in the mid-90's, and again after the turn of the century.  I've been with FundRaiser on a steady basis since leaving AOL's employ nearly 10 years ago.  I've never regretted that decision.

This varied background helps me to relate to all sorts of folks, and with all sorts of situations. With all that in mind, I hope to help the readers of this blog to use FundRaiser Software in ways that will advance their causes, as I believe that all of our non-profits are doing good things in the world, and the world can sure use more good being done.