While many of you may still be caught in the icy grip of Old Man Winter, Spring has shown her gentle face in the Ozarks. Trees are blossoming in frothy white and stunning maroon. The undergrowth and thickets sport wisps of tender green. Daffodils and crocus echo the warm yellow sunshine while tiny blue wildflowers lay across the ground like little snips of sky.

Spring has always been a time of cleaning and renewal for me. One of my fondest childhood memories is that the first nice weekend in spring we washed all of the winter-stale bedding and hung it outside in the fresh breeze. That first night of snuggling in crisp sheets and inhaling the sweet smell of outdoors was a real treat!

Spring is also a good time to clean out your FundRaiser Database, getting it ready for all the events and fundraisers that will be taking place over the rest of the year. So I am dedicating the month of March as FundRaiser Spring Cleaning Month and will have a project each week to help your database work more smoothly and be easier to use.


This week’s project is to clean out all those old Groupings!


Do you have to scroll for ten minutes to find the Grouping you are looking for? Do you have Groupings from three years ago? It’s time to get rid of them! Deleting a Grouping doesn’t delete anything permanent in your database and it can always be recreated, so there’s no reason to have all those old Groupings just hanging around. Believe me, it’s much easier to create a new Grouping then go find the one you used last year!!

To delete your groupings:

Right click on your FundRaiser Shortcut and go to Properties. Click either “Open File Location” or “Find Target” in the lower left hand part of the Properties window. This will take you to the FundRaiser program folder. Open the Data folder, then the Primary Folder. You will then see the Groupings folder. Open it and you will find each Grouping has three files that need to be deleted. The easiest way to make sure you get all three is to sort by File Name. Delete all those old groupings and enjoy how much easier it is to find the one you need next time!

Of course if you would like some help with this, feel free to give us a call in Tech Support at 800-543-4131


Sherry Willis is one of the fine Tech Support team at FundRaiser. She has many interests besides computers and has recently volunteered her time to train horses for the Whetstone Boys Ranch.