By Autumn Shirley on Wednesday, 07 August 2013
Category: Non-Profit Fundraising Tips

Celebrate Happiness Happens Month

At the beginning of August, FundRaiser Software celebrates Happiness Happens Day. What's more,  the whole month of August has been declared Happiness Happens Month, a good reminder to tune in to happiness, and spread it around.

Here are a few nice tidbits that I've collected so far:  the Gulf of Mexico is recovering really, really well from the horrific Deepwater Spill (read the article), crime rates have fallen significantly in much of the Western World (read the article), and finally, it  appears that we get happier as we get older - great news! (read the article).

Oh, and this exisits: Daily Good: News that Inspires.

Want to learn a little more about Happiness Happens month? Check out the Secret Society of Happy People.)

10 Ways to Find, Enjoy or Spread a Little Happiness:

Does he look happy, or what?
  1. Smile at everyone you see today; if they smile back, you'll feel great; if they don't, you can feel good knowing that at least one person smiled at them today.
  2. Take a walk during your lunch hour or on a break. A little fresh air in the middle of your workday will lift your spirits much higher than mid-afternoon coffee or sweets.
  3. Sleep late (if you can) and wake up slowly. It feels wonderful to start your day on a nice, relaxing note.
  4.  Buy someone a cup of coffee. Maybe the person behind you in line at the coffee shop or drive through is having a rough day. Buy them a cuppa joy and you'll both feel better.
  5. Spread the love to your furry friend. Few things feel better than loving on your pet. Bonus: studies show that petting cats and dogs lowers blood pressure and relieves tension. And they enjoy it, too!
  6. Open a window at night. Enjoy the fresh air and let the sounds of the night time critters or the bustling of the city lull you to sleep.
  7. Try stretching in the morning. Studies show that just 5 minutes of yoga or deep stretching and breathing right after you get up in the morning has more influence over our energy levels and alertness than caffeine does.
  8. Celebrate Happiness Happens Day sometime in August at your office, like MaineShare and FundRaiser do. Let's spread it!
  1. Read a book. I bet you have a book sitting on your desk or bookshelf right now that you've been meaning to read for awhile. Make the time to start tonight-- you deserve a little reading time!
  2. Smile. Yes, this one makes the list twice. It's important. Even when we're grumpy, smiling can trick our bodies into thinking we're happy. I would rather be happy, wouldn't you?
  3. (Bonus!) Visit the FundRaiser Facebook page and write on our Wall about what makes you happy-- let's spread a little joy today-- and all month long!

Thanks for taking the time to read this message from all of us at FundRaiser Software-- this is my favorite holiday of the year! We all hope that it brightens your day, and we look forward to hearing how you choose to celebrate Happiness Happens Month! (Don't forget to share on our Wall! Every year we receive such nice responses from many of you via email, and this year we thought, 'wouldn't it be wonderful if these thoughts could be shared with everyone?!')

Have a Very Happy Month,

Autumn Shirley & the Entire FundRaiser Family

Don't cry because it's over; smile  because it happened!" - Dr. Seuss

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