Connecting With Category Codes

An important aspect of fundraising is making connections with your prospective donors on a deeper level. It is one thing to connect with someone over a shared concern over animal welfare, for example, but reaching them with a story about a rescued cat or one who needs funds for an expensive surgery creates an immediate connection, one that you can tailor to the person’s interests through category codes.

Within FundRaiser category codes are designed to document and segment the non-giving aspects of your donors’ lives. Using category codes can help you create a more meaningful relationship. Document what activities your donors like, for example, and you could entice them to an event that seems tailor made for them.

Category codes are invaluable when it comes to making connections with your donors. There is the ability to have unlimited codes, so you can use them for interests, events, campaigns, or even specific information about your donors that you’d like to record. Using them to keep track of your donor’s information will allow you to customize your appeals.

Imagine your donors receiving a letter tailored directly to them, even more so than you may be using now. Those who are parents receive letters talking about benefits to their children. Grandparents receive letters detailing benefits to their grandchildren, and so on. These letters would not take much to customize—a few words here and there—but the power of sending them out to a properly segmented database means more return for your organization.

If you have questions about category codes, I encourage you to contact our support team. We also offer a class specifically on codes.

To learn more about how FundRaiser can help with understanding giving patterns of donors:

Take an online guided tour of FundRaiser and learn about the features in FundRaiser for coding your donors.