By Mary Lenker on Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Category: Tech Blog

Joyful Tribute Giving

So my family had that conversation this weekend. The one that usually happens sometime at the start of November. My mother asked me, “so what do you want for Christmas?”. There’s a good chance similar conversations, centered around any number of the winter holidays, are happening in your donors’ households too.

I’m also hearing from a lot of organizations that are working to send out their holiday appeal letters.

There’s one thing that both of these events, holiday appeals and gift conversations, have in common: tribute giving.

We often think of tributes as a donation to an organization in memory of a loved one or a special pet. Tribute giving is a good way to memorialize someone in a meaningful and lasting way. Within FundRaiser these tributes are coded as in memory or someone.

However, tribute gifts also make great gifts for celebrations and accomplishments. In short, any time someone is giving a gift on behalf of someone else, it can become a tribute. Inside FundRaiser marking tributes as in honor or in celebration fits these gifts well.

The notification letter process will alert gift recipients that someone made a gift to their favorite organization on their behalf. It’s a great way for the recipient to have a donation made to a good cause, for the donor to feel good about sending a meaningful gift, and for your organization to benefit.

The holidays are a time of giving. FundRaiser makes it easy to track those donations and ensure that both the donor and the honoree will receive your organization’s thanks.

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