By Autumn Shirley on Friday, 21 December 2012
Category: About us

Season Greetings from all of your friends at FundRaiser Software

As the last week before the holidays wind down, things here at FundRaiser Software have been, well, INSANE! We’ve needed all hands on deck to manage tech support, sales, and fulfillment.  While it always feels great to be this busy (and the only thing we like better than being this busy is being this busy all the time!), it has been hard to find a moment to catch my breath and write this message. I would like to take a moment to thank you. You are the reason that we do this.

We truly are so fortunate. We all come to work every day and get to work with YOU - the absolute best customers on the planet! Even during the holiday rush, when everyone is trying desperately to get their last-minute appeal letters, thank-you letters, and tax letters out the door, so many of you take the time to thank us and wish us Happy Holidays. That means a lot to us! We know that the software isn’t perfect and sometimes you probably want to just throw the computer out the window, but you still manage to find the grace to be polite (if a bit panicky) and wish us well. That is enough. Truly.

Today, I did manage to find the time to write our holiday cards for all of the FundRaiser Staff, and, even though I see most of them every day, it always fills me with such gratitude when I write out these personal notes. These folks have worked HARD all year long to help FundRaiser Software continue to move forward, and to ensure that we do so while maintaining the very highest standard of customer service. That’s hard to do when there are fewer than a dozen employees, and more than 5,000 customers! We are a team of Super Heroes! When I hear about all of these bigshot CEO’s and bank presidents getting million dollar bonuses, I think my employees deserve million-dollar bonuses, too! But then I look again at the world we live in, and the tragedies that happen all around us, every minute of every day and I am just grateful that we all have our jobs, our health, our families, and our homes. How lucky are we?!

We are a company full of smart, talented people, and all of us could probably make more money doing something else, but we don’t keep doing this every day just for the paycheck. We do it because we get to work with you. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to help you all move your mission forward and, little by little with a little help from us, you are making this world a better place. What more could anyone ask for in a job?

Happy Holidays from all of your friends at FundRaiser Software! I hope that 2013 brings blessings, love, and joy!

Autumn Shirley for FundRaiser