By Mary Lenker on Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Category: Non-Profit Fundraising Tips

Short Take: In Kind Donations

When your organization takes in donations of good or services, how do you record that donation? On the Gifts tab, when you enter in a donation, the Gift Mode code reflects the form that the donation took—how the money was received or if it was an In Kind donation.  When you choose “In Kind” for your gift mode, this tells the database that the donation was received not as a financial transaction, but rather a donation of goods or services. The amount field can be the approximate value of those donations, and you can use your motivation and purpose codes to further categorize the donation.

You may wish to create a specific gift thank you letter for your In Kind donations.  On the “Edit Notes” tab of your gift entry, you can use the “Letter Notes for Merging” to note what was received as part of the donation and to place that information into the letter so the donor has it for reference.

If you have any questions about In Kind donations or creating a new thank you letter, please reach out to our Technical Support Department. You can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or 800-543-4131 for help on this and other questions about FundRaiser. 

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