Q. How to Setup Wintix 5 Integration
A. Thanks for your interest in upgrading to the newest integration between FundRaiser and Wintix. The Integration with Wintix 5 is a more complicated process than previous versions of Wintix. We would recommend the following steps be taken if upgrading from a previous version of Wintix, so that the integration setup can be completed as smoothly and easily for your staff.
1) Create a backup of Wintix 4
2) Have Center Stage Software convert you to Wintix 5, Let them know you want to integrate with FundRaiser.
3) Create a backup of Wintix 5
4) Send us at FundRaiser both backups to review.
5) We will then setup an appointment to upgrade to the newest version of FundRaiser and set up the Integration. (Expect this step to take minimum of two hours)
To send us your Wintix backups, please visit our Special page and Choose the "Hightail" link.
To setup an appointment contact our Technical Support team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and provide the best time that you request for us to call you.