Q: How can I Test my Network Firewall Security?
To use the service, just start up your browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc) and:
1. Visit http://www.grc.com ShieldsUp
2. Click Proceed just under the "If you are new to this site" box
3. In the blue box in the middle of the screen, click on the All Service Ports button.
4. The site is now scanning your firewall. This may take a few minutes to finish. You may want to scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the progress.
5. Once it is finished scanning, at the bottom of the screen you will see either a Passed or Failed. There is also a Text Summary; button. If you receive a Failed message, click on this button and copy and paste the contents of the next screen into an email and send it to FundRaiser Support for further troubleshooting.
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