As most of you know, in FundRaiser there are a multitude of ways and places in which to store this data. The one complaint I've heard about this is that it can be difficult to remember where you've put each different type of information. Is it in the Name Details? or Preferences? or Spare Fields? And why should I have to jump all over the place to see the information that is important to MY tasks in this organization, anyway?
Enter the "Custom Page" concept. Have you noticed the Custom Page tab (normally found to the left of the Master List tab) in FundRaiser? If it doesn't exist, you probably have Spark. If you have Select or Professional, it may have been moved to the right of the Master list (Options | Change Tab Order). The Custom Page is, at first, a blank space just waiting for you to design your perfect information layout. What information about donors do you want at your fingertips? Where is that data normally kept? You can "mirror" that field (or table) of information on the Custom Page. You can have, for instance, not only the donor name, phones, email, age, and so forth, but also the table showing their entire Giving History, or the table showing all of their Category Codes, or any specific Preference settings that are important, or... whatever you wish.
Create Custom Pages in the Options menu. You can create multiple pages, for multiple layouts depending on how you need to work with the data in the program, for instance. Each user of your FundRaiser could have a different Custom Page being displayed at the same time. And you don't have to be a computer programmer to build a Custom Page, either.
First, go to the Options Menu, to Custom Page, and choose "New". An instruction window will pop up, along with a smaller "table" window for making precise adjustments. Most people won't need to do that, but the window has to stay open. Just move it aside if it gets in the way. Next you'll identify an item that you want to put on the Custom Page by simply clicking it. This could be a field of information, or a label next to a field, or a whole table full of data, or just about anything else that highlights as you are moving your cursor over it. When you click it, you'll COPY it to the Custom Page. Then just go to the Custom Page and drag it to where ever you want it to be. Re-sizing options may be available, too.
Do this for any other field, label, or table, until you have everything in place that you want or need. By the way, space is not limited. You will get sliders to allow you to move up and down as your Custom Page grows. Once you have everything in place, SAVE the Custom Page (using that little window that's been in the way), and give it a name you'll recognize as yours. You can always make adjustments to it later, by the way.
CAUTION: I suggest using the Custom Page for display only; not for data input. It *can*, theoretically, be done, but have you noticed how many "add", "save", and "delete" buttons there are throughout the program? You have to be careful that you get the right button for the right area and function, since adding a name, a gift, or an email address are quite different things. If you absolutely MUST do it, make sure everything works properly BEFORE trusting your work with real donor records.
Experiment and Enjoy.
To learn more about how FundRaiser can help you keep your data organized