Beginning in May, you’ll notice some of the classes that we have on our training schedule will have new names. In addition, you’ll find the class schedule has been reorganized to allow you to complete our three core classes in the same weeks. We’ve made these changes in the hopes of streamlining your training experience as well as providing more descriptive names for the classes.
So what’s changed?
Our initial Overview class will now always be held on Tuesdays and is now named Introduction to FundRaiser. We’ll follow that up with Reports on Wednesday and then our class on how to use the FundRaiser Word Processor, which is now called Creating Letters & Correspondence on Thursdays.
We’ve also renamed two of our other classes. Coding & Spare Fields is now Database Management. And our Groupings class is now Querying & Sorting Records.
You’ll sign up for the classes the same way, by visiting our training calendar and clicking on the classes you’d like to take. Don’t forget to fill out the date/time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our training department.
For any questions on training, we welcome you to contact FundRaiser Training at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800-543-4131 .
I believe that when we join together to do good in our own ways that there’s no limit to what we can achieve, which makes my work at FundRaiser that much more special because I love helping so many organizations reach their goals.