Within FundRaiser Professional, the Campaign Management module makes it easy to track responses and response rates to your campaigns and events. But did you know it can also track ticket sales? For an event, such as a raffle or a banquet where there isn’t assigned seating and you want to track how many paid versus complimentary tickets are sold, our Campaign Management module is a big help.
There are four steps to creating a campaign to track tickets. First, go to Options > Modules and activate the Campaigns Management module. This module is built right into FundRaiser Professional.
Next, go to View > Campaign Management and set up your campaign to track ticket sales. If you have any questions about how to do this, our support team will be glad to help.
Then, when you enter a gift, associate it with a campaign and then enter in the number of paid or complementary tickets that are given with the gift. When you run reports, you’ll see the tickets listed in the reporting for your Event.
We offer a class covering the Campaign Management module and if you would like further information, invite you to register for the next session.
If you have any questions about working with FundRaiser to manage ticket sales:
I believe that when we join together to do good in our own ways that there’s no limit to what we can achieve, which makes my work at FundRaiser that much more special because I love helping so many organizations reach their goals.