It’s very likely you may have more than one person within your organization who can view or work in FundRaiser. During certain times of the year, volunteers may be entering in data and gifts or pledges. One of the useful features of FundRaiser Software is the ability to be able to control the information that someone can see, or even if they can edit or delete items from your database.
When you visit OPTIONS > USER SETUP, you have the ability to create usernames and passwords to better control who has access to your database. The very first user is the “supervisor”, who has the ability to add or edit user access. After that, you can create as many users for your database as you need.
When you add a username, moving through the tabs will turn off different menus, the ability to add or edit certain fields or tabs, and even if the individual can see financial data. This information is fully customizable by you and is something our support team can assist with.
As we move into the fall and holiday fundraising season, you may wish to utilize this feature for your volunteers and other members of your organization.
You can contact our Technical Support Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800-543-4131 for help on this and other questions about FundRaiser.
I believe that when we join together to do good in our own ways that there’s no limit to what we can achieve, which makes my work at FundRaiser that much more special because I love helping so many organizations reach their goals.