As the training manager here at FundRaiser Software, I can think of at least four ways you can learn how to use your donor management database. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each will appeal to a different group of users. This blog will, hopefully, lead you to the learning path that best suits you, by explaining each briefly, along with major advantages and disadvantages.
1. Live WebinarsWhen FundRaiser is purchased, training "credits" are issued, and these credits can be used for live training webinars. Each class is designed to be approximately one hour in length, and each covers a different area of the software. There are specialty classes for those who have modules in addition to the basic package, too. Each class costs one credit, no matter how many attend that session, so you can train multiple people at one time for a single fee. The advantage is having a live trainer readily available to field questions. The disadvantage is in fitting the pre-scheduled classes into your busy schedule.