There are times when you are looking to see the names and addresses for your donors, and FundRaiser supports multiple ways of retrieving this information. If you need a list to use as a print out, for example, then the Master Report has a variation which only prints names and addresses. You can access this through Reports > Master Report.If you need to export those names and addresses to send to a vendor for printing mailings or to import into another system, the most efficient way to obtain this information is to follow a 2-step process.First, create a grouping of the individuals whom you wish to include in the mailing list. Then, go to File > Export, select your grouping, and export the names and addresses directly into a CSV (Excel-compatible) file. You can export additional fields such as total giving or last gift as well if you'd like.By choosing one of these methods you'll be able to export names and addresses in a format that will work for your organization and in an easy to transfer manner.To learn more on this and related topics, sign up for one of our live webinar training classes or contact support at 800-543-4131 or
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