Talking to Sarah at MaineShare got me thinking about what exactly makes any particular person happy. I happen to agree with her about getting out in nature. That also makes me happy, so for Happiness Happens day that is where you will find me and my dog Lulu. I also wondered how the rest of the FundRaiser staff will be spending their Monday holiday.
Bea in her life jacket |
James Ware, Sales Representative: We'll take the bulldogs down to the river. We have life jackets for them.
Sherry Willis, Technical Support: Nothing. I think I'll watch the whole Harry Potter series, all 8 movies. Poor Jonathan [of FundRaiser] will have to work on that day. On all the FundRaiser days off that are not Federal holidays, one of us in Tech Support works so it there are any emergencies Support we can take care of them.
Jonathan Smith, Technical Support: I'll actually be working in the FundRaiser office. I took some time off last week, and in Support we like to make sure someone is here to answer calls and take care of any database emergencies that might arise for our customers.
Gene on his motorbike |
Gene Weinbeck, Lead Programmer: First off, I'm going to sleep in. In proper celebration, I will then take my new motorcycle out for a run someplace. In the evening, it's the first day of Operation Jump Start in Mountain View and I'll go up there to be a part of that class.
Joe Salrin, Conversions Manager: All weekend. I just finished helping my daughter move from one state to another last weekend and I am looking forward to a rest.
Larry Weaver, Head Trainer: Nothing special, really... my happiness comes from family, music, and sloth... so I’ll probably stay close to home, play my guitars/autoharp, and generally relax...
Smudge snoozing |
Smudge, CMO (Chief Morale Officer): need you ask?
Lily Brotherton, Social Media Intern: I think I actually have work at Donahue Roofing. I am the secretary's assistant. I answer the phone or clean up shop, and I'm also in charge to Donahue Roofing on facebook.
Joshua Shirley, CFO, Technical Development Manager: I plan to make my wife happy by performing my 'honey do' list. That will take me all day, along with napping and TV.
Autumun Shirley, CEO: Sleep late and get my chores done. It's supposed to be cool next week, too, so we may spend some time outside.