SHHHHH!! Don't tell anyone I'm giving you this sneak peek, but I feel compelled to let you know just one new layout feature coming in the near future. It won't happen for a month or two, but when it does, you'll be able to take advantage of it right away. The Tony Poderis blog of April 7th got me thinking about this, because it's nice to be able to thank brand new donors in one way, while thanking repeat donors in a whole different way. In fact, one of the points in Tony's blog is to thank donors for past support.
You all know by now (I hope) that you can have as many letter templates set up as you need, for all types of donations, and all types of donors. So, you can have one letter that you send out for a first time donor, and another for a repeat donor, and maybe even another for a long-time frequent giver. One of the things that has been a bit frustrating for some of you is that, while viewing the gifts that you are entering, and trying to determine which template you might want to use, it is not possible to view the giving history of the donor.
That's soon going to change. Soon you'll have the giving history showing above the gift entry form, so that you'll see, at a glance, while making the gift entry and letter choice decisions, not only if they've given before, but if their gift is larger or smaller than their last one, and so much more. It will give you the confidence to pick exactly the right letter template for the circumstances, and maybe give you the nudge you need to write those more specific letter templates you've been putting off. Here's a screenshot of what it will look like (although some things may change slightly). AND DON'T LET ANYONE KNOW I SHOWED YOU THIS YET.
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