Within your organization there may be times when you prefer to schedule teams of volunteers rather than individuals. Perhaps there are two or three people who enjoy performing certain duties at your events or who you know work well together. In this case, creating a volunteer team allows you to efficiently schedule them at the same time, as well as ensure that you have the required number of volunteers.
The Volunteers Module within FundRaiser allows you to break down your volunteer work into projects, then tasks necessary within each project, and finally teams or groups. In this way, you can choose which volunteer duties you are tracking, or which initiatives you’re pursuing with your volunteers, and then decide the work you want them to perform. Finally, you can create groups of people (like a “cleaning crew” for after meetings) or teams to work together.
Each active volunteer can be assigned to unlimited groups or teams. This is done within the volunteers console that you can access from View > Volunteers. To begin the process, ensure you’ve established a project, which could be as broad as “our volunteers” or as narrow as a specific aspect of your work. Then, assign tasks to the project, again being as general (“volunteer duties”) or detailed as you need. Finally, the ability will be there to assign groups or teams of volunteers to those tasks and projects.
This streamlines the scheduling process. Normally when you schedule a volunteer you choose the day and hours that you’d like them to work, then you schedule them individually. If you need a specific number of volunteers, you will go one-by-one to make sure that everyone is scheduled. However, if you’d assigned these people to a team, you’d choose the team and then be done.
Teams make it easier for you to schedule volunteers as well as help manage expectations. It’s an aspect of the software that will allow you to focus more on the good work your organization and your volunteers do, and make the administrative part easier.
To learn more about how FundRaiser can help you manage volunteers register for a tour or if you are already a FundRaiser user, contact FundRaiser Technical Support at Support@FundRaiserSoftware.com or 800-543-4131.