As we move into the second half of the year, it’s a good time to start thinking about donors who have given last year, or even some year, but not yet this year. Built into the FundRaiser reports are options for LYBUNT (Last Year But Not This Year) and SYBUNT (Some Year But Not This Year). These are both great tools to determine donors who have given during your last calendar (or reporting year if it’s different) year, but not this one, and begin to extend your outreach to those individuals.
However, did you know that in our groupings options, we offer even more variations on the traditional LYBUNT/SYBUNT criteria?
Common Patterns tab in the Grouping feature of FundRaiser |
On the COMMON PATTERNS tab, you will find three options under both LYBUNT and SYBUNT. The first, last calendar year, but not this one, is probably considered the most traditional interpretation of those terms. However, if your reporting year doesn’t begin on January 1 (To change this visit OPTIONS > GENERAL > PRINTING), the second option will allow you to choose donors who have last reporting year, but not this one.
The third option relies on a rolling 12 month period. So, for example, the system may look at has given between July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2017, but hasn’t given between July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018. In other words, it captures your donors who haven’t given in the previous twelve months, but have given in the prior twelve months.
This provides more flexibility for choosing your LYBUNT and SYBUNT criteria. Hopefully, this allows you to reach out to more donors and perhaps encourage additional donations to your organization.
To learn more about how FundRaiser can help you remind donors that it's time to give again, explore the donor management features offered by FundRaiser
I believe that when we join together to do good in our own ways that there’s no limit to what we can achieve, which makes my work at FundRaiser that much more special because I love helping so many organizations reach their goals.