Sending a mailing, whether it is a postcard or an appeals letter, doesn’t end the communication with the donor or prospective donor. Hopefully a reply is received with a donation, and you will want to track this to better understand the effectiveness of your campaigns. Within FundRaiser Professional there are two ways to monitor and track this information.
The Campaigns and Events module makes tracking mailings, as well as other events within a campaign, easy. Include people who receive appeals letters sent through Mass Mailings as participants and then attribute gifts received to the letter. Reports found within the module will enable you to see the response you received as well as the cost and the return on investment.
However, there is another way to track mailing responses and that is through the miscellaneous code. This code is a FundRaiser Professional only feature and can be found on the gift entry screen. Using a mailer code (if you have codes on your mailings) or simply a descriptive code allows you to create groupings based off this code and then run donation reports.
Whichever way you choose, tracking the response to your mailings in order to do a detailed analysis is possible within FundRaiser professional. We’d love to chat with you about tracking your mailings.
I believe that when we join together to do good in our own ways that there’s no limit to what we can achieve, which makes my work at FundRaiser that much more special because I love helping so many organizations reach their goals.